A person is like an iceberg – their behaviour and competencies are the observables, above
the water line. But most of the iceberg is below the waterline — that’s where we find their
driving characteristics, motivations and values which are harder to see and develop.
Personality assessment is a great starting point to introspection and an objective evaluation
of a person’s natural tendencies and work style. The Psyft Personality Assessment (PPA) is
often an individual’s first opportunity to truly consider their impact on others from an
behavioural perspective.
A 360-degree assessment allows subjects to understand how others e.g. their managers,
peers, direct reports, and other key stakeholders, view them. In other words, they get
accurate feedback on what’s above the waterline. Whereas, a personality assessment helps
a subject on a person’s intrinsic and stable characteristics – the stuff below the waterline.
Combining the two tools can provide robust “whole-person” feedback, so subjects can gain
a deeper understanding of how their inner wiring is manifesting in their actions, how some
of their reflexes may be harming their success, and how to mould their natural tendencies
for better outcomes.